Wednesday, April 16, 2014

How blogs differ from print books

                             How blogs differ from print books  
I have spent some time rereading the blogs and the book prints after researching the meaning of tone,depth, and style, in the form of writing. It is still all very new to me, but what I can say is oddly, I prefer the book prints over the blogs. The book prints in my opinion paint a larger and more in depth picture, because they give far more detail which then enables me to be more engaged in what they are trying to say, where as the blogs seemed very hurried. I do enjoy that they are a little more toward the point and not quite as serious or formal. Blogs are a great way to deliver information quickly without adding the extra details, (they can add links instead). How I learned to live google free seemed to have a little more serious tone as I felt he was concerned when he realized how much of our information just lingers in cyberspace for almost anyone to get ahold of, yet he had to spend quite a large amount of time retrieving it himself. This did cause me to ponder a bit over the amount of time I spend on google. The print narratives were more enjoyable to me though. I prefer the detail that is given (or the depth) because it allows me to place myself into what ever setting they are trying to portray, and draws me in. The tone to the print narratives Mike Rose and Malcom X were a bit serious and even sad at times, but to me that is what they are trying to relay. They were serious topics.  Mike Rose's Ed narrative angered me. To see that the school system  lacked the skills to educate  these children and really didn't seem to care made me feel anger toward the school, and sadness for the students and their families.                                 

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