Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Education narrative I liked most

I have never written a paper before, as I was not formally in school. so What I have been focusing on the most so far is the style and formats of the blogs that I have read, and the reading assignments that we have been given in class so I will understand how to convey the information in a way that looks appealing  and people are able to process without loosing interest.  I have been taking notes on all of the readings so I can choose what will present the information without confusion. So far I found that I liked the style of writing  in Malcom X's narrative the best, because it painted a good picture while also relaying the point that he was trying to make. I found that I liked the free writing because it helped me come up with ideas an gave me a better understanding of the significance of what I was writing. I found that It is easy to ramble on when free writing, while in writing a formal paper you have to be careful to stay on task. Unlike How I lived to be google free, which to me bounced all over the place and failed to keep my attention.


  1. I also didn't enjoy the Blog "how I learned to live google free" it was very confusing to me
