Tuesday, April 8, 2014

How learned narratives. Joshua J. Romero,and Feross Aboukhadiejeh

How I learned Narratives!
   I found that after reading  both narratives, I prefer How I learned to program computers over How I lived to be Google free. How I learned to live Google free seemed a bit scattered, along with to much information, and did not stay on a main focal point, (which left me to loose interest several times), in turn having to reread his article. I did however appreciate his minimal use of photographs. Having one picture in the beginning of the article helped to personalize it for me, but did not distract me from the main point, as did the use of several pictures in  How I learned to program computers.  That being said How I learned to use computers was laid out in a manor that was easy to follow. He had a very simple and yet effective focal point, so you knew what you were going to read about and outlined every step with a heading and to the point explanation. I like that he used a small amount of humor, personalizing the article, and yet walked us through each step in his learning process using no more information then necessary,  finalizing it with a clear end result. 

   What I have taken away from these 2 articles and will reflect on to mine is the use of a picture in the beginning, so the reader can feel more connected with my story, and to be clear and to the point (not rambling on or skipping around to much).

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