Sunday, April 27, 2014

What I feel makes a good teacher

   I have to say that I don't remember my teachers, as my last year in school was in the 6th grade and I don't really have any memories of elementary school. I can however go off of my experience with my children's teachers. My daughter Amanda who is now 19 would likely tell you that her favorite teacher was her fifth grade teacher. What made him a good teacher was his willingness to get to know each student and to build confidence in each of them. He would dance with them at events and joke around with them to make class more enjoyable, but in the long run he also made sure that every student understood what he was teaching, adapting to meet each students need  as" Hassett states in, What makes a good Teacher"   It was very apparent that he loved his job and would go to great lengths for the students in his class and their families if they were struggling. He even moved up with his students from 4th grade to fifth grade so my daughter had him for 2 years in a row. I feel that  teachers can be one of, if not the most influential and important people in a child's life and if they go into their job with that kind of an understanding and build off of it with patience and yet a good structure, we will have good students as well as good teachers.

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