Sunday, April 13, 2014

Thoughts on how I learned to love traveling Solo

              My thoughts on How I Learned To Love Traveling Solo!
    In my opinion, How I learned To Love Traveling Solo is a great read if you are looking for tips on traveling solo. However I am not sure that she touched on what I expected to be the main topic, (how I learned). It may be that I was focused more on her title then her opening paragraph , so I think I will have to explore that more in class and in our text.
        She started her blog by telling us a little bit about herself, and how she felt traveling solo. ( It was scary to set off by myself), moving on to explain why she likes to travel solo. Next she told an interesting story about an experience she had. ( I ate some poorly labelled peanut sauce, had an allergic reaction, and then got ripped off by a corrupt cabbie. This drew me in! Like in the Mike Rose's  Ed nar when he described some of his experiences in the class room or things he observed on the bus.  It made it easier for me to relate.

        In prior narratives they offered examples of how they implemented what they were learning. They also told us how they came to find this information (details). I felt Caty Huston did so as well, but I am not sure what makes her advice valid, as she offered no supporting evidence other then her word and experience. It also seemed apparent that she was lacking paragraph hooks (a device used to connect one paragraph to another smoothly) as defined in section 34 of our text Writing Simplified. I am still learning how to identify these details in our reading assignments, but it felt like she jumped from one paragraph to the next without a clear connection. I did however find that her transition from her topic sentence gave good examples of the main point. 

        Over all I enjoyed her narrative, and  feel that I took a lot away from exploring the examples in our text and comparing to others we have read so far. I am finding this exploration to be very helpful in preparing and understanding how to complete my first assignment.



  1. Insightful comments, especially those tying the textbook sections to Huston's writing--well done!

  2. It seems that you have taken a lot from these reading. I enjoyed reading what you have taken from the readings
