Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Most important educational experience

I feel that my most important educational experience was how to care for my children (becoming a mother).
When the reality that you will have a child depending on you to teach them and care for them an comfort them arises, it is a real eye opener. In the early stages of my pregnancy
I remember thinking to myself how am I going to know if my baby is sick, or hungry?
Will I know what to di if she is crying, and how to calm her, how much should she eat, etc.
    I continued to worry until the day she was born, then it hit just know, and what you don't know, you learn as you go along, through experience. As she got older things I had to learn were quite different, how to answer a question that was  appropriate for her age level to understand, why are the clouds white, how to handle a fit that made no since to you what so ever, or how to convince them that a shot won't hurt (bribery of candy worked great with my first one) although I do recall my youngest daughter who is now 14 wanting to get her ears pierced before she started kindergarten, and I actually told her if she was good and got her shots without a fuss, I would take her to get her ears pierced afterwords (I know it sounds harsh) but it worked, she sat without a peep, and when she was done, said can I go get my ears pierced now. My oldest was a different story though, the nurses had to show me how to restrain her with my legs as well as the help of 4 others to hold her down. She would psych herself out before even going into the office. I guess what I am trying to say is that all children are different and there is no one way to raise them all, so I had to learn what worked best through experience as I went along. Some peope didn't like the way I bribed my now 14 year old with the ear piercing. They said I was evil. Imagine how my kids are today as this is how they were raised. Middle daughter who is now 19 was very easy, she was a passive kid and just wanted to make everyone else happy, so I really  didn't have to worry about much. As a result she is a bit shy  because I relied on her to be the easy one. The point I am trying to make is,  when raising your children, you are responsible for shaping them into the person they are today, or the adults they will be in the future, you will learn as you go along, but it may not always be the right way, so asking your peers for advise, or seeking the help of other parents could be of significance at some point. I was a bit stubborn and felt I could learn on my own. At the ages of 21 19 and 14 I am still learning how to be a better parent and how I can approve or change some of the thing I taught them. I have a feeling I will continue learning until  I am at rest. I don't feel that one specific way of parenting is right for a specific person.

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