Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The narrative I enjoyed most

                  The Narrative I Enjoyed Most
      I actually had a hard time deciding which narrative  out of my two favorites I enjoyed the most. I found Malcom X's narrative very interesting as he described in depth how he taught himself to read. Even though he was not in an ideal situation, he made the most of it. Which is something I can relate to because I have been in less then ideal situations for the better part of my life, and tried to make the best of those situations. I plan to purchase this book so I can read the whole story. The narrative that was my favorite though was Mike Rose's I just want to be average. First I felt he did an incredible job describing his surroundings, and the people in his narrative, I almost felt as if I was seeing the story through his eyes. (The second drifted through neighborhoods with trees, parks, big lawns, and lots of flowers) Which lead me to to believe it may have been a warm sunny day.  (There was Bill Cobb and Johnny Gonzales, grease- pencil artist extraordinaire, who left Nembutal-enhanced swirls of "Cobb" and "Johnny" on the corrugated walls of the bus. And then there was Tyrell Wilson. Tyrell was the coolest kid I knew. He ran the dozens like a metric halfback, laid down a rap that out rhymed  and out pointed Cobb, whose rap was good but not great-the curse of a moderately soulful kid trapped in white skin.). His description of the characters really brought out their personalities. I could likely break down this whole narrative and point out things that I liked about it, but as I have learned through reading all of the narrative so far, a blog is meant to be more simple and not quite so formal.  This is just my opinion of course.

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