Wednesday, May 7, 2014

2nd half notes on Freedom writers

You just exercised the point. Swim against the stream. A statement Mr. Keating made to a student who chose not to participate in a lesson he was teaching while marching outside. In a since it feels like he is telling the kids not to conform. Not sure if I feel that is the best way to influence the kids in a school that is all about tradition and discipline. Kids are all doing things that they might not have done before. Tossing a gift off the roof of the school, drinking and putting moves on a girl who has a boyfriend. They do have more courage and are discovering things that they enjoy rather then what others expect them to. This suggests that they are implementing what they are learning from Mr. Keating. To be free thinkers. They start doing things that are a bit destructive and finding that there are consequences. Charlie publishes an article that says they should have girls at the school then during a school gathering stages a phone call from god. He receives severe punishment but will not tell who the dead poet society is. He does not reveal them. The teacher is accused of unorthodox teaching. Mr. Keating says kids should learn the dangers of conformity. That they should think for themselves. School feels that kids should not be able to make their own decisions. Neil chooses to join theater and act in a play against his fathers wishes. His father finds out and tells him he will not make a liar out of him. He has made a lot of sacrifices and his son is not to let him down. Neil goes to Mr. Keating upset about his fathers reaction. Doesn't like that his father is planning his life for him. Mr. Keating tells him he has to talk to his father. Prove to your father your compassion and love for acting. Neil is not convinced his father will approve. Knox goes to school to confess his love to the girl he likes. He walks into her classroom and reads a poem to her. Even though she didn't say anything he was content knowing he did it. Neil tells Mr. Keating he talked to his father and he is letting him stay with acting. He could tell that Neil was not telling the truth, because he was trying to convince himself while lying. Knox takes Chris to the play. Neil does a great job acting in a mid summer nights dream, you can tell he loves what he is doing, people really enjoyed his acting. His father shows up and is angry.  Mr. Keating is clearly sad for Neil. He takes him home after the play and tells him he is sending him off to military school. He tries to tell his father what he wants but his dad tells him to for get this acting business. Neil clams up and won't tell his father how he truly feels. His dad didn't really give him a choice. Neil clearly feels he has no choice in his own happiness, and commits suicide with his dads gun. Mr. Keating and the students are heartbroken. His parents try to place the blame on Mr. Keating so the school forces students to sign a letter to have Mr. Keating fired. They arrive to a structured class. Mr. Keating comes to get his belongings and the students stand on their desks to show him support and that they didn't blame him.

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