Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Teachers Similar and Differant

        I found that both teachers cared about their students and took a nontraditional approach to teaching.
For example Ms. Gruwell was seen dancing with her students which assured her bond with them and Mr. Keating was lifted by his students after playing soccer with them during English class. Soccer is not exactly a traditional way to teach English. They both encouraged their students and both went against what the school expected of them. Mr. Keating  encouraging the kids to think for themselves, which from what I could tell was far from the way these kids were being taught.  Ms. Gruwell actually cared enough to teach her students where as the rest of the school just figured the kids would eventually drop out and no longer be the schools problem. I am however conflicted about a few things It was very apparent that Ms. Gruwell had the students best interest in mind when teaching them, but I am not so sure how I feel about Mr. Keating. It felt as though he may have  had his own agenda in mind and had no regard for the schools style of formality. He was only teaching them what he believed to be so "J Evans Prichard is an excrement" or Passion, Romance, Love, is what we live for"  and not giving them the option to learn or think otherwise. It was very apparent however that the students of both teachers formed a strong bond and vise versa.

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