Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Details and examples

   Underlining detail words: I used to long for some Hearst Free Milk Fund Milk, in one of those cute little bottles with their red and white tops, but my mother never allowed me to have any, because she said it was charity, which was bad and demeaning, and besides the milk was warm and it might make me sick.

   Audre Lorde Sentence: I know it must have been early spring or fall, because without the protection of a heavy coat, I can still feel the stinging soreness in the flesh of my upper arm.
   My sentence: I always knew when Christmas was approaching, because the warm scents of cinnamon and pine would consume the air - almost as if I could taste them.

   Mike Rose Sentence: I hadn't been there two months when one of his brisk, face - turning slaps had my glasses sliding down the aisle. 

   My sentence: I knew something wasn't right when a sharp knee buckling pain - had me quickly dropping to the floor.

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