Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Beginning Argument Exercise - Paper #3

1) What was the experience I had with the pain rehabilitation program, and why was it at-least as important as an in school experience?
    The experience a person will have when they go through a pain rehabilitation program can be a real eye opener. There is so much to be learned in a good program. The most important thing to keep in mind - is not to form an opinion about these programs before you are will to give them a shot, or at the very least do your research - so that you go into it with proper knowledge. Be prepared to learn as much - if not more then you will in a traditional classroom setting.

2) Who is the audience that I need to persuade?
    The audience will my peers, students at the college, others that have been injured, or suffer from pain, and my teachers.

3) Why should they care about this? What are their beliefs about education?
   Pain rehabilitation is something that can improve a persons well being. It teach you how to change your perception on pain - as well as how much you can actually tolerate, and alternative methods for doing things in everyday life - so it can be more fulfilling. Their beliefs might be that pain rehabilitation is just another waste of their time, and more money that has to be thrown away.

3) What will their children, or society in general gain or lose?
    They will gain a better understanding of a pain rehabilitation program, and how to keep an open mind about alternative programs before going through evasive treatments.

4)  Reasons they should agree? "because" statements?
    1) Keeping an open mind is important in everyday life. Learn before passing judgement - then form an opinion upon having enough information. They teach you an abundance of information - as well as physical alternatives.
    2) This program could very well be the key to a more fulfilling life. You learn how to manage your emotions, related to pain. Meditating, thought process, etc.
    3)  You will not get benefit the same in a traditional classroom setting. Pain rehabilitation teaches you several physical and mental alternatives, and you will perform these methods for several weeks with the support of the staff. This program helps to reshape your way of moving, and your way of thinking about your disability- in turn leaving you with a more positive outlook on life.

5) Reasons they might not agree? Possible objections they might raise?
     1) They might feel that it is a waste of their time because they are being required to go.
     2) They may feel the cost could out weight the benefit.
     3) They may feel that drugs ( which most pain patients are addicted when going in to the program) are the only form of relief, so they will be afraid to detox. Plus it is a lot harder to go through the program rather then to pop a pill - so if they are lazy they may reject it all together.

6) Answers to their objections? "My idea is superior because":
   1) At first it might feel like it is taking to much of their valuable time, but the amount of time they will waste trying to rehab from surgeries and other treatments - far out weights the time they will spend in the rehabilitation program.
   2) The amount of money they will spend on all of the other treatments that may not work will be far more then going through the program. It would be best to try the program first, to possibly save them thousands of dollars in the future.
   3) Drugs might be something that will help mask the pain, but they do not help you to live a more productive life, and they actually cause numerous other health problems. The pain rehab program teaches you - not only how to manage your pain, but how to live a more enjoyable life - which is hard to do if you are hopped up on medications.

 7) Statistics, facts, examples of similar problems, solutions, or situations - that will support the argument.


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