Monday, May 12, 2014

Compare and Contrast Mr. Keating and Ms. Gruwell

      Mr. Keating was confident. He was whistling when he walked into the classroom, which got the attention of his student. The students did think he was a little strange at first. One student called him strange.
      Ms. Gruwell was figiting alot on her first day. She kept rewriting her name on the chalkboard and she was unsure of the expression she should have on her face when the students arrived to class. The kids were aware of her lack of confidence and and challenged her confidence as well as her experience.
       Mr. Keating seemed scattered and didn't seem to have much of a structureed learning environment for the students, which is what the students were used to.
       Ms. Gruwell learned quickly that she had to teach the students in a differant way , but she made it clear that they would be learning about the holocaust. I am still not sure what Mr. Keating was teaching the students dirrectly.
       Mr. Keating seemed to have no regard for the structure of the school system, where as Ms. Keating wanted to inforce the schools integrated program, which other teachers and staff didn't show any interest in, nor did they seem to care about the students education.


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