Tuesday, May 13, 2014

G&P exercises

  1. The police officer bit the dog; the cat ran away.   I used a semi colon to connect the fused sentence
  2. The cat ran up the tree, so the dog ran home.    I used a coordinating conjunction.   
  3. Pat drove to the store, but I went anyway.    I used a coordinating conjunction.
  4. We were having fun - they wanted to have fun too.    I added a dash to connect the two.
  5. Getting to work is much easier now, because I learned to drive a car.    I added to the sentence and used a comma to pause before finishing.
  6. Although Jim had bought a car, we still needed money to pay for insurance.    I added to the subordinate sentence so it wouldn't stand alone.
  7. Jimmy played in the sandbox, whereas we had started to play in the swimming pool. I added to the sentence so it would no longer be a subordinate sentence and I added a dash to connect the two.
  8. Whether we came home or went on to the store, James was still going to be angry.   I added to the sentence.  So it wasn't a subordinate sentence and added a semicolon to join the two.
  9. If I had ten dollars, we could go get ice cream.   I used a dash so I could connect a sentence.
  10. Upon arriving at the bank, we found out that we were millionaires.  I used a semicolon to connect the two sentences.  

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