Friday, May 16, 2014

Beginning final draft paper #2/Final draft

        Teachers are said to play one of the most important roles in a child's life - aside from their parents. The impact a teacher can have on a student was demonstrated in many ways throughout the movies "Freedom Writers and Dead Poet Society."  Mr. Keating and Ms. Gruwell were both good teachers. They were both compassionate and genuinely cared for their students. They both came up with very creative methods to gain the students interest, and they both went beyond the classroom to support their students.       Although they were both good teachers, neither of them seemed to have regard for the schools current structures; this could have lead to struggles beyond high school, and in a more typical classroom setting.
        The compassion both teachers had for their students was apparent on several occasions throughout the movies. Mr. Keating - an English teacher in the movie Dead Poet Society attended the all boys preparatory school himself when he was a boy, and he could relate to the boys. He was aware that students weren't typically aloud to make their own life choices, and he wanted to make it clear from the beginning, that they should  learn to think for themselves - be free thinkers.
He wanted them to believe that passion, romance, and love are what we live for. This implicated that their happiness was important to him. Ms. Gruwell also showed compassion for her students throughout the movie Freedom writers. One of the many kind things she did for her students, was when she took on a second job to purchase materials. She purchased journals for each of her students, and then encouraged them to write anything they would like to her. She told students that the journals could be placed in a cupboard that would stay locked , and that nobody else would be able to read them. She opened the cupboard that she had told them to put the journals in, and found that they all had written something. She did not leave the classroom that day, until she had read every one of the students journals. Mr. Keating and Ms. Gruwell were not only compassionate and caring teachers, but they were also very creative. This proved to be an important role for both teachers in helping to get through to their students.
        The students found Mr. Keating to be at the very least an interesting fellow - suggesting that he was a bit weird or possibly even crazy, after he came into the classroom whistling and cracking jokes about Shakespeare. He also had the students partake in tearing pages out of their textbooks -telling them that J. Evans Prichard was excrement. The students were so bewildered by Mr. Keating that they decided to look him up as a former student at the school. The students found him in an old yearbook, and asked him about the Dead Poet Society. Once he knew he had their interest - he told them about a place he and the other students used to sneak off to and read poetry. He planted a poetry book for his students to sneak off with - and it didn't take long for them to do just that. This made them feel as though they were a part of something, and gave them courage to explore who they really wanted to be. It made since that Mr. Keating would have to use such strange methods to get through to his students, because he was teaching in a very structured and controlled environment. Unlike the preparatory school that Mr. Keating taught at - Ms. Gruwell was taking on a classroom that had no structure at all. She learned very quickly, if she was going to get through to her students - she was going to have to change her topic of study all together. She used the history of the holocaust to compare the student’s current situations in gangs. The Holocaust caught their attention, and the students wanted to learn more. She then took her students to a museum so they could learn more, and arranged a dinner with survivors of the holocaust to speak to the students. This was one of the many things Ms. Gruwell did to make her students want to learn. Both teachers had to be creative in their classrooms to get their students attention, but they did not have to go beyond the classroom to support their students as they did in both movies.
        Mr. Keating showed support for one of his students "Neil" when he came to him upset because his father wanted him to quit acting. Mr. Keating told Neil that he should tell his father how he really felt about acting - thinking that Neil's father would listen. Mr. Keating brought several of his students to support Neil's role as Puck, in A Mid Summer Nights Dream, but sadly, he realized that Neil hadn't talked to his father at all and that Neil did not have the support of his father. Neil would later go home with his father and try to tell him how he really felt about acting, but his dad told him that he was going to send him away to military school.  Neil knew his father did not care about what he wanted so he found his fathers gun, and committed suicide in his office.  Ms. Gruwell went out of her way on several occasions as well. Perhaps the most selfless act that she did was taking on a second, and then a third job to support her students, and purchase supplies -  this would eventually break up  her her marriage, because she was never home, and her husband felt that he was put on the back burner compared to her students. They took first priority in her eyes. She also offered to give Eva a ride home if she had to stay late, when she was having difficulties with her family because she told the truth in court.
       Creativity, compassion, and the willingness to go above and beyond - are only a few of the many things that made Mr. Keating and Ms Gruwell good teachers, however one must also consider all effects that their alternative methods could have on the students - good and bad. Showing students that it was okay to be defiant, or to act out at the preparatory school, by standing on their desks, or cracking a joke with students after one student received the paddle for taking on a fake phone call - which was disruptive during a serious school meeting - left one student to be expelled for his actions. Ms. Gruwell not teaching her students any traditional classroom methods - may have lead them to difficulties in a college setting- which may have hindered their abilities to succeed in a more structured or traditional classroom setting. We must consider both the positives and the Negatives of every teaching style - as it is our duty as parents and as teachers to see to it that our children will be functioning, and able bodied citizens in our society.

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