Monday, May 5, 2014

Dead poet society notes part 1

Preparatory boys school considered to be the best boy school in the united states. The setting seems to be around the late nineteen fifties time frame.  Parents and teachers have high expectations of their kids. School is very structured and students are expected to follow the 4 pillars. Students don't seem to have a choice in their career paths. They are agitated by their parents control. They form a study group. Mr. Keating comes into the classroom whistling. First words are Oh captain my captain. Tells students they can call him by his name or oh captain my captain. Tells students they are food for worms. He seems a bit odd. Wants students to believe they are destined to do great things. Seize the day. Make your lives extraordinary. Students felt his lesson was a bit creepy. Doesn't seem to have much regard for the school calling it hellton in front of the students. In class he has a student read a section of the book and then had all of the students rip out that section of the book. Stating that J Evans Prichard is an excrement not allowing them to decide for themselves. Only seems to want students to learn what he feels is relevant. Thinking for themselves. Says passion, romance, love is what we live for. Then states a powerful play goes on inside you and you contribute a verse. What will yours be? He wants them to look at things in a different way.  He sets the students up to tear away from the structure and become defiant, by sneaking off to the cave that his group the dead poet society used to go to. The teacher seemed to plant things into the kids heads so they would want to do things his way. Students seem a little conflicted. They know what they are doing is wrong but can not resist the temptation. The teacher plants his old book in a students room for them to read, which suggests he knew he was encouraging them to be defiant. The study group students start doing things that are against what the school and their parents would want. Students don't seem to be doing what they want to in school so it seems that the teacher is just trying to encourage them to do things that make them happy. Tells students just don't let your poems be ordinary. Students seem to really like Mr. Keating and look up to him.

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